It’s been a whirlwind week!
At my recommendation (I’d seen it before), I took C to see Stomp. If you haven’t seen this show, which includes a variety of dancing, percussion, and comedy (despite no dialogue) I highly recommend it. The show was sold-out and a great experience.
May 12 was our three-year anniversary - woohoo! I always get a kick out of remembering our first date, especially because I was supposed to be C’s practice date. See, I was his first official date after breaking up with the girl he’d been dating for over three years, and he also knew that he was going to be moving over 100 miles away less than a week after our meeting.
He thought to himself, what are the odds that I’ll even have a good time on the date? It’ll be good practice for after I move back to Phoenix and really start dating. So he figured that he’d use me as his confidence builder and never see me again - no harm, no foul. Problem was, halfway through our date we were clicking so well he knew that he wanted to see me again. We managed to squeeze in three dates and the “exclusivity” talk in the 5 days before he moved. Wowza!
Anyway, for our anniversary this year we ate at House of Tricks. We shared a cheese and fruit plate (somehow I never realized how well blue cheese goes with strawberries before!) and then I had homemade gazpacho with creme fresh and a green apple, candied pecan, and blue cheese salad while C had “everything spiced ahi tuna.” Check out the menu here - delish! Considering this place is less than a 10-minute walk from where I work, I think I will be treating myself, with or without him, a lot more often. We had beer but they have a phenomenal wine list and it’s probably only a $5 cab ride home in the inevitable case of overindulgence.
Well, as you may have heard, Obama was ASU’s commencement speaker. I got a ticket but decided not to go because a) there are going to be over 70,000 people there and it’s going to be a general nightmare, b) you have to get there five hours before it starts and sit in a concrete bleacher in the sun next to those 70,000 people and you can’t bring in water or an umbrella, and c) at the last minute we got word that the university was closing at 2 p.m. and so I could go home.
Woot! I’ll watch it in the air conditioning of my own home for that price. I kept my ticket, though, for my scrapbook!
Plus we are leaving for Vegas next Thursday and will come back either Sunday night or Monday, depending on whether we decide to change our flight or our hotel reservation. I am super stoked because this is the first time I am bringing more than $100 in gambling money and I want to try some of the games that I have been afraid to play because you need a bit of a bankroll to do them right. Very exciting! Also our first trip with my best friend and her husband - if this goes well then we will probably try a Europe trip eventually.
Ah, the Europe trip...remember to pack extra eggs this time.